When I came in Wednesday morning I sat in my office as usual but a strange smell lingered. The trash can was empty and it was subtle so I didn't think much of it.
It wasn't overtly offensive or very noticeable, actually.
But it was there.
Eventually, I took a break from the computer and the copious amount of sitting that is killing me to clean up the couch area a little.
It was then that came across one of those Sunday lunch boxes.
"ODD," I thought to myself. "There's no way this was actual food... left here from SUNDAY by SOMEONE, COULD IT?"
Oh, yes. It could.
I usually love my youth kids no matter what but there are times you just want to cry and acknowledge that you have failed. Failed in life and as a youth pastor. Failed to teach them basic life skills like using the trash can.
So I grieved.
Well, no, after my incredulity I opened the box and to add insult to injury, a small black fly lazily flew out as the pungent smell of two-day old Chinese food hit me.
*sigh* Forget theology or church history, we need, "How to Use a Trash Can 101."