2016 Taipei VBS - Day 1 - Jessica Yan

Our day started off bright and early, at 5:30 a.m., to rush out the door to catch our bus to the church where the VBS would be held. Surprisingly, we arrived earlier than planned so we began a time of prayer. We prayed for strength (physically, mentally, and spiritually), for the kids participating in the VBS, for unity with the Taipei helpers, and to overcome the language and cultural barrier, just to name a few. After we finished praying, we spent the next 45 or so minutes doing individual devotions and then gathered up again for a time of worship and devotions sharing as a group. This was all before we had breakfast, which was graciously provided by the Taipei staff! Breakfast was quickly devoured (some do jiang, dan bing, and other typical taiwanese breakfast delicacies) and at 8:30 a.m., we began our first day of VBS.

VBS began with the welcome ceremony where we greeted the kids and introduced ourselves and the program to them. Throughout the day, we had small group time, worship, skits, crafts, english and game time, and time for science experiments. All activities were led by our missions team with the help and support of the Taipei team here in Taiwan. Overall, the first day went well even though we faced some difficulties with some minor schedule details and rowdy kids.  However, all the kids seemed to have lots of fun the whole day and so that was rewarding to see the kids opening up to us so quickly (PTL!) We ended the long day of VBS with a group debriefs of went well and what did not. Afterwards, we had KFC for dinner and then finally arrived back at the apartment around 9 p.m.

Even before the VBS started, we were informed that almost half of the kids did not attend church. This worried us and we were a bit intimidated by the daunting task of dealing with all these kids who may not know who God is. But through the sharings of some group members during our time of worship, we were reminded of God’s greatness and His will to do good according to His perfect plan.

“So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock.” (1 Peter 5:1-3).

We are called to shepherd the flock of God and letting our lives serve as examples of growing in Christ-likeness, as well as testimonies for God’s infinite and unchangeable love for us. This calls for us to be faithful to serve and love the kids in the VBS who are the little flock of sheep. As shepherds of God’s flock, we walk alongside the kids on their level and making Christ known to them wherever they are at.

Our photos! :)